​How TagMatiks Gorilla RFID Tags Can Be Used for Industrial Asset Tracking

Industrial asset tracking is crucial for optimizing operations, ensuring safety, and reducing costs. Traditional tracking methods, often reliant on manual inputs and visual inspections, are prone to errors and inefficiencies. This is where advanced solutions like TagMatiks Gorilla RFID Tags come into play, leveraging RFID technology to streamline asset-tracking processes. This article delves into how TagMatiks Gorilla RFID Tags can revolutionize industrial asset tracking.

TagMatiks Gorilla RFID tags used for industrial asset tracking

What are TagMatiks Gorilla RFID Tags?

TagMatiks Gorilla RFID Tags are rugged RFID tags designed for harsh industrial environments. They are built to withstand extreme conditions such as high temperatures, moisture, chemicals, and physical impacts. These RFID Tags incorporate advanced RFID technology, allowing wireless communication with RFID readers.

Key Features of TagMatiks Gorilla RFID Tags

Key Features of TagMatiks Gorilla RFID Tags

Durability: Made from robust materials, Gorilla RFID Tags can endure severe industrial conditions, ensuring long-term reliability.

High Read Range: These RFID Tags offer a high read range, enabling efficient scanning of assets from a distance. Can read tags from a long distance.

Data Capacity: TagMatiks RFID Gorilla Tags can store a significant amount of data, facilitating detailed asset information storage. By default, they are offered as a pre-printed, pre-encoded option with a unique encoding scheme.

Versatility Applications: Suitable for various asset types, including machinery, tools, containers, and inventory.

Benefits of Using TagMatiks Gorilla Tags for Industrial Asset Tracking

Benefits of Using TagMatiks Gorilla Tags for Industrial Asset Tracking

Enhanced Accuracy: RFID technology reduces human errors associated with manual tracking, providing precise asset information. These tags enhance accuracy in daily operations.

Real-time Monitoring: Tags can be scanned in real time, offering up-to-date data on asset location and status.

Increased Efficiency: Asset tracking processes save time and labor costs, freeing up resources for other critical tasks.

Powerful Performance: Powerful performance of RFID tags refers to their ability to function effectively and efficiently in various applications.

Improved Asset Utilization: Detailed insights into asset usage patterns help optimize asset allocation and maintenance schedules.

Compliance and Reporting: Automated tracking ensures compliance with industry regulations and facilitates accurate reporting.

Robust and Durable with an optional cover: Robust and durable RFID Tags are essential for applications in challenging environments where tags are exposed to harsh conditions. These Tags are designed to withstand physical stress, extreme temperatures, moisture, and other adverse conditions while maintaining reliable performance.

Cost-Effective Solution: Cost-effective RFID solutions involve balancing performance with affordability, making the technology accessible for a wide range of applications without compromising on essential features.

Implementation of TagMatiks Gorilla Tags in Industrial Settings

Initial Assessment and Planning:

Site Survey: Conduct a thorough site survey to understand the environment and identify potential challenges.

Asset Identification: Catalog all assets that need tracking, noting their specific characteristics and tracking requirements.

System Integration: Plan the integration of TagMatiks Gorilla Tags with existing systems, including ERP, CMMS, or EAM systems.

Tag Deployment of TagMatiks Gorilla Tags :

Tag Selection: Choose appropriate Gorilla Tags based on the asset type and environmental conditions.

Tag Attachment: Securely attach RFID Tags to assets using suitable methods, such as adhesive backing, screws, or ties.

Reader Installation: Set up Fixed RFID Readers at strategic locations to maximize coverage and ensure reliable data capture and Handheld Reader reader is portable rfid reader to read tags.

System Configuration:

Software Setup: Configure TagMatiks software to manage RFID tag data, set up tracking parameters and integrate with other enterprise systems.

Different types of RFID Software can be set up like TagMatiks AT Lite, TagMatiks Wedge, and TagMatiks AT.

Data Management: Establish protocols for data collection, storage, and analysis, ensuring data integrity and security.

Training and Support:

User Training: Train staff on the use of RFID readers and TagMatiks software, emphasizing best practices and troubleshooting techniques.

Ongoing Support: Provide continuous support to address technical issues, update software, and adapt the system to changing needs.

Use Cases of TagMatiks Gorilla Tags in Industrial Environments

Manufacturing Plants:

Tool Tracking: Track the location and usage of tools, ensuring they are available when needed and reducing the risk of loss.

Equipment Maintenance: Monitor machinery status and maintenance schedules, preventing downtime and extending equipment lifespan.

Warehouse Management:

Inventory Tracking: Automate inventory counts and updates, improving accuracy and reducing the time required for stocktaking.

Asset tracking: Track the movement of inventory within the warehouse, optimizing storage and retrieval processes.

Construction Sites:

Material Tracking: Monitor the delivery and usage of construction materials, ensuring they are used efficiently and reducing waste.

Equipment Utilization: Track heavy equipment to optimize usage and manage maintenance schedules effectively.

Oil and Gas Industry:

Pipeline Monitoring: Use Gorilla Tags to track pipeline components, ensuring proper installation and maintenance.

Safety Compliance: Ensure all safety equipment is properly maintained and available, enhancing workplace safety.

Challenges and Considerations of TagMatiks Gorilla RFID Tags

Environmental Factors:

While Gorilla Tags are designed for harsh conditions, extreme environments may still pose challenges. Continuous monitoring, Read tags and adaptation of the system are necessary.

Data Integration:

Integrating RFID data with existing enterprise systems can be complex. Ensure compatibility and seamless data flow between systems.


Initial setup costs for RFID systems can be high. However, the long-term benefits in efficiency and accuracy often justify the investment.


TagMatiks Gorilla RFID Tags offers a robust and efficient solution for industrial asset tracking. By leveraging advanced RFID technology, these tags enhance accuracy, efficiency, and safety in asset management. Their durability and versatility make them suitable for a wide range of industrial applications, from manufacturing to construction and beyond. Implementing Gorilla Tags can lead to significant improvements in operational efficiency, asset utilization, and compliance, providing a competitive edge in today's fast-paced industrial landscape.

FAQs on TagMatiks RFID Gorilla Tags

General Questions

Q: What are TagMatiks RFID Gorilla Tags?

A: TagMatiks RFID Gorilla Tags are rugged, durable RFID tags designed for harsh environments. They are typically used in industries such as manufacturing, logistics, and asset management to track and identify assets efficiently.

Q: What materials are used to make Gorilla RFID Tags?

A: Gorilla Tags are constructed from robust materials to withstand extreme conditions like high temperatures, moisture, and impact.

Usage and Application

Q: What industries commonly use Gorilla RFID Tags?

A: Industries such as automotive, aerospace, construction, oil and gas, and warehousing frequently use Gorilla Tags due to their durability and reliability in tough conditions.

Q: Can Gorilla Tags be used outdoors?

A: Yes, Gorilla Tags are designed to withstand outdoor environments, including exposure to rain, dust, and extreme temperatures.

Q: How are Gorilla Tags attached to assets?

A: Gorilla Tags can be attached using various methods such as adhesive backing, screws, bolts, or cable ties, depending on the type of asset and the environmental conditions.

Technical Specifications

Q: What frequency do Gorilla Tags operate on?

A: Gorilla Tags typically operate in the UHF (Ultra High Frequency) range, usually between 860 to 960 MHz, which is suitable for long-range reading and various applications.

Q: What is the read range of Gorilla Tags?

A: The read range of Gorilla Tags can vary based on the specific model and the environment but generally ranges from a few meters to over 10 meters.

Q: Are Gorilla Tags compliant with RFID standards?

A: Yes, Gorilla Tags usually comply with international RFID standards such as ISO 18000-6C (EPC Class 1 Gen 2).

Durability and Environmental Resistance

Q: What temperatures can Gorilla Tags withstand?

A: Gorilla Tags are designed to operate in a wide temperature range, often from -40°C to +55°C , depending on the model.

Q: Are Gorilla Tags resistant to chemicals?

A: Yes, many Gorilla Tags are resistant to a variety of chemicals, making them suitable for use in industrial environments where they may come into contact with oils, solvents, and other harsh substances.

Installation and Maintenance

Q: How should Gorilla Tags be installed to ensure optimal performance?

A: For optimal performance, Gorilla Tags should be installed on a clean, flat surface and oriented correctly to maximize the read range and minimize interference from other metal objects or electronic devices.

Q: What maintenance is required for Gorilla Tags?

A: Gorilla Tags generally require minimal maintenance. Regular inspection for physical damage and ensuring they remain securely attached to the asset are typically sufficient.

Jun 7th 2024

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