RFID Geeks

RFID Modules - Adding UHF RFID reader capabilities

RFID Modules - Adding UHF RFID reader capabilities

UHF RFID or RAIN RFID is an emerging IoT technology that is enabling automated workflows for inventory management, asset tracking and authentication solutions across broad markets including retail, logistics, supply chain, healthcare, airline baggage and manufacturing. This broad adoption is driving the need for a variety of dedicated readers, generally fixed and handheld readers, but also embedding reader capabilities into existing devices and appliances. Appliances like refrigerators, s …
Mar 16th 2019
Upgrading from Barcode to RFID

Upgrading from Barcode to RFID

Upgrading from Barcode to RFIDWhether you are planning to implement barcoding as your inventory or asset management technology and would like to leave your options open for future implementation of RFID, or you already have barcode implemented and would like to upgrade to RFID, there are several things to consider. Labels Barcode technology utilizes labels made of paper or polyester (and possibly other materials) backed with an adhesive, which are printed with a barcode and possibly human r …
Nov 9th 2018 Archit Dua
Mount on Metal RFID Tags

Mount on Metal RFID Tags

Unlike with other materials, RF waves cannot penetrate metal. Metal blocks and reflects RF waves, which poses quite a challenge when using RFID technology for tracking metal assets or in environments with a lot of metal objects. And that’s not all, metal also couples with the tag antenna and detunes the tag so the read range is drastically shortened. This means that a common passive RFID tag placed on a metal asset cannot be read from a distance even within the line of sight or performs ve …
Oct 13th 2016 Eva Zeisel
How to Select the Right BarTender Edition and BarTender FAQ

How to Select the Right BarTender Edition and BarTender FAQ

BarTender® from Seagull Scientific is a software that helps companies large and small design and print variety of labels, RFID tags or cards in a simple and efficient way.BarTender enables label design, data entry through customizable forms, and consolidation of designs with their Intelligent Templates that allow companies to produce flexible label designs without the need to create and maintain hundreds of separate documents.BarTender also optimizes and accelerates printing of barcodes, l …
Sep 28th 2016 Eva Zeisel
How to Select an RFID Handheld

How to Select an RFID Handheld

There are many choices on the market and the more choices the harder it is to pick out the right device for your application and budget.If you can't bring the asset to the reader like with a conveyor or a door portal processing, you have to bring the reader to the asset. Handheld readers are typically used for exception processing, asset tracking when asset is fixed, remote data collection, and in small scale installations. There are four main types of handheld readers:Handheld Compute …
Jun 21st 2016
How to Select an RFID Reader

How to Select an RFID Reader

The selection of an RFID reader is guided by the selection of the RFID tags. Once you select a tag that will be the most suitable for your solution, half of your work is done as far as criteria for selecting an RFID reader. Besides the factors common to tags and readers (the reader must be able to read the tag) such as type (active, passive), frequency (LF, HF, UHF and Microwave) and protocol (Gen 2, HF, NFC, Mifare, etc.), most distinguishing factors that apply to readers only are: …
May 11th 2016
Criteria for Selecting the Right RFID Tag

Criteria for Selecting the Right RFID Tag

In order to select the right tag for your application, you must consider several factors that will affect the tag performance. As the market is flooded with hundreds of types of tags, there is no simple way to sort them all and pick the perfect one. However, we have gathered criteria that will help you with your selection. Tag Type – passive, active, semi-passiveTag Frequency – low, high, ultra-high, microwaveTag Orientation, Location and PlacementEnvironmental Factors – metal, liquids, har …
May 11th 2016